Monday, November 30, 2009

Shifting Core Problems, by Sri Bhagavan

adapted from a broadcast to Verbania, Italy November 28, 2009

Some are stuck facing a core problem. How can we shift places we are stuck inside?

Sri Bhagavan: If there is a core problem, and you cannot get out of that. Stop fighting. Any effort to understand or analyze a problem will prevent it from getting resolved. The problem is in trying to analyze the problem. Analysis is paralysis. You must realize with that external problems are different. With internal problems do not use analysis.

Once you realize analysis won't work, you will naturally feel helpless and have to stay with the problem. It is like a hen hatching an egg. You must sit with the problem. Then, the problem will hatch and the solution will come out.

With the fight for Indian independence, Ghandi did not know what to do, so he sat quietly with the problem. He was not able to understand the problem, so he just stayed with it until a solution came to him from the inside. The solution that came to him was to boycott salt for India's independence. The whole country was shocked, but eventually they realized that this would free them from British rule. Do not try to fight with the problem, then you'll get your salt for your core problem.